Our Business
One of Papua New Guinea ’s largest multifaceted transport and logistics companies. Based in Port Moresby the company also has a significant presence in Lae, Wewak, Madang, Rabaul, Kimbe, and Kavieng. EastWest Transport operates across a wide spectrum of transport related activities including bulk fuel, containerized freight, break bulk cargo, and depot related services such as equipment hire, warehousing, and yard storage. EastWest Transport offers a licensed customs cargo clearance service in Lae and Port Moresby. The company makes use of its close relationships with sister companies in shipping and stevedoring and offers specialized project solutions for the project, mining, and oil & gas sectors.
Supply Chain Management
Materials Management
Freight Forwarding
Customs Clearance
Metro Transport
Fuel & DG Transpor
Special Project Transport
Transport Logistics
Project Management
Bonded Breakbulk Storage
Emergency Response
Supply Chain Solutions
LCL Metro Delivery
Bonded Pallet Storage
Our Network
Our Resources
Our Team + Our Resources = Great Results.

EastWest Transport employs over 300 staff across PNG. The company commits to a comprehensive training and development program ensuring its employees remain appropriately skilled to carry out our customer’s requirements. The company employs citizens and non-citizens managers in its operations to ensure the maximum levels of competency and experience are afforded to customers operations.

- 3 to 10 Ton Forklifts
- Heavy Forklifts and Reachstackers
- Flat Deck, Drop Deck, and Skeletal Trailers
- 50, 70, 100-ton Low-loaders
- B-Double Combinations
- Fuel Tankers
- Mobile Cranes
- Side Loaders
Our Services
Customs Clearance Services

EastWest Transport works closely with Customs and NAQIA to provide quarantine and customs agents based onsite 5 Days per week at our facilities. We believe this is a unique offering within PNG and will facilitate FAK & General FCL Containers / Bulk Shipments to be removed quickly from the wharf to our Bonded sites without the risk to your business of incurring high port storage charges. While your cargo remains at our facilities and our customs clearance agents are finalizing the importation clearances no storage charges will apply. Live system updates are also available at any point in time from our CATS PRONTO software system which identifies the real-time status of your cargo in transit.
EastWest Transport offers Customs Clearance Services in Lae and Port Moresby
- 40 Staff Nationally
- Specialized Oil & Gas and Mining Services
- Specialized Project Mobilisation Clearances
- Fully Integrated Materials Management Tracking System
- NAQIA and CUSTOMS Consulting Services
- Bonded Customs & NAQIA Lay down Facility
Emergency Response

With experience in the recovery of damaged delivery assets and cargo from accidents or incidents.
- Over 10,000 square meters of open and covered storage space
- Emergency Response Team and Spill Trailer
- 3rd Party Quick Reaction Recovery Contractor
- Incident Site Security Services
3PL Warehousing

Warehousing Facilities are available in Lae and Port Moresby.
- Over 10,000 square meters of open and covered storage space
- Pallet and Break Bulk
- 24 Hour Security
- Bonded Break Bulk
- Bonded Pallet
- Container NAQIA Inspection zones
- Container Storage
- LCL Metro Deliveries
- WMS (Warehouse Management System) with full pick and pack capabilities.
Security Services

- Security consulting for Local & International clients
- Static guards
- Armed static guards
- VIP airport transfers
- Armed vehicle escorts
- Mobile patrolling units
- Emergency response teams
- Close protection officer
- Investigations & intelligence
- Risk assessments
- Client employee transport
- Vehicle GPS tracking and monitoring
- Dangerous Goods escorts
- Over Dimensional escorts and general cargo escorts
Terms & Conditions
Logistics Partners
Vanguard Logistics Services
Steamships Trading Company Ltd.
Consort Express Lines
Pacific Towing PNG Ltd.
Contact Us
Port Moresby
EastWest Transport
Cnr Napa Napa Road & BarunI Road
Ph 324 9600
EastWest Transport – Port Moresby
Cnr Napa Napa Road & BaruniI Road
Ph 324 9600
EastWest Transport – Lae
Montoro Street
Ph 472 7744
EastWest Transport – Alotau
Alotau Wharf
Ph 324 9600
EastWest Transport – Wewak
Ph 472 7744
EastWest Transport – Madang
Ph 472 7744
EastWest Transport – Kimbe
Kimbe Port
Ph 983 5257
EastWest Transport – Rabaul
Ph 472 7744
EastWest Transport – Kavieng
Ph 472 7744